Q.I am using AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. Can the travel amount be set in mm or deg?


When writing from EtherNet/IP, the travel amount unit is fixed by step (the speed is fixed by Hz).
If you would like to change the unit, use the touch screen or a programmable controller to perform the conversion.
The travel amount unit can be changed to mm or deg only when setting the operation data using the support tool MEXE02.

When setting up with the support software MEXE02
Change the settings for the Mechanism type in the Motor & Mechanism (Coordinates/JOG/Home operation) settings.


If the mechanism is a ball screw, also set the echanism lead, etc.


Also, if you would like to change the travel amount per step (change the resolution), change the Electronic gear setting.


Setting Example: I would like to set the minimum travel amount to be 0.01 mm with an electric actuator with a lead of 6 mm.
Resolution = 6 mm ÷ 0.01 mm = 600 (P/R)
Resolution 600 (P/R) = 1,000 × Electronic gear B / Electronic gear A
Electronic gear B / Electronic gear A = 0.6

Changing Electronic gear A to 5 and Electronic gear B to 3 will result in a setting with a minimum step angle of 0.01 mm.

Setting Example: I would like to set the DGII Series (gear ratio 18 type) so that the minimum step angle is 0.01 deg.
Resolution = 360 deg ÷ 0.01 deg = 36,000 (P/R)
Resolution 36,000 (P/R) = 1,000 × Electronic gear B / Electronic gear A × 18
Electronic gear B / Electronic gear A = 2

Changing Electronic gear A to 1 and Electronic gear B to 2 will result in a minimum step angle of 0.01 deg.

For electric actuators equipped with AZ Series, the appropriate resolution for each mechanism is set in advance at the time of shipment. For details, refer to the following table.

Category Series Minimum Step Angle (Travel amount per step)
Electric Linear Slides EAS Series
EZS Series
EZSH Series
0.01 mm
Electric Cylinders EAC Series 0.01 mm
Compact Electric Cylinders EAS Series
DR Series
DRS2 Series
0.001 mm
Hollow Rotary Actuators DGII Series 0.01°

A tool is available to automatically calculate the setting value of Electronic gears to help you set the resolution.
Technical support tool "Electronic gear calculations"

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM Compatible Driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuator AZ Series equipped
Description: Usage method, setting method, functions, characteristics, specifications, dimensions
FAQ No.: 553

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