Electric Cylinders

EAC Series

Electric Cylinders EAC Series
  • Ball screw drive
  • Equipped with closed loop stepper motor
  • Stroke 50 to 300 mm
  • Ideal for pushing and carrying applications

Eigenschaften | Electric Cylinder EAC Series

Features of the Cylinder Section

High Speed Driving With Light Load or Heavy Load is Possible

For the EACM6 Type

For the EACM6 Type
High-Speed Drive Characteristics

The Shortest Positioning Time Can be Easily Calculated

For applicable products of Oriental Motor's electric actuators, a support tool is available to calculate the reference positioning time according to the "model" and "operation conditions."

Stable Movement With Little Speed Fluctuation Even at Low Speeds

The microstep drive of the closed loop stepper motor allows the resolution to be increased without any mechanical elements such as a speed reduction mechanism. As a result, even at low speed (1.25 mm/s), speed fluctuation remains low with constant speed.

Low Speed Operation

Compact and High Thrust Cylinder

Using aluminum for the rod, these electric cylinders generate high thrust despite their compact and lightweight body.
The vibration suppression structure improves acceleration characteristics and enables high-speed positioning operation.

Compact and High Thrust Cylinder

Wide Range of Cylinder Variations

Product Line

The EAC Series comes in a reversed motor type as well as a straight type. Three types of cylinders are also available: Without shaft guide, with shaft guide, and with shaft guide cover.

EAC Product Line

Contributes to Space Saving (Reversed motor type)

Reversed Motor Type

Thanks to the belt mechanism, this type features a reversed motor installation direction.

Reversed Motor Type

Reversed motor types are available for all models. This helps shorten the overall length and saves space.

Reversed Motor Type

Easy Belt Replacement (Reversed motor type)

Oriental Motor's unique belt tension adjustment mechanism (patented) allows for easy belt replacement.

Easy Belt Replacement

Direct Mounting of Load (With shaft guide/shaft guide cover)

With Shaft Guide/Shaft Guide Cover

This type has a shaft guide and cover installed, which allows for the load to be transported while attached directly to the body of this product.
Straight types and reversed motor types are available.

With Shaft Guide/Shaft Guide Cover
With Shaft Guide/Shaft Guide Cover

Advantages of Equipping With AZ Series

Ausgestattet mit batterielosem Absolutencoder

Der Motor ist mit einem kleinen batteriefreien mechanischen Absolutencoder (ABZO-Sensor) ausgestattet. Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Produktivität zu steigern und die Kosten zu senken.

  • Mechanischer Encoder
    Selbst wenn während des Betriebs die Stromversorgung unterbrochen wird, bleiben die Positionsinformationen erhalten.
  • Multiturn-Absolutencoder
    Die Erkennung der Absolutposition ist im Bereich von ±900 Umdrehungen (1.800 Umdrehungen) der Motorwelle möglich.

Externe Sensoren sind nicht erforderlich

Da es sich um ein Absolutsystem handelt, sind Referenzsensoren oder Endschalter nicht erforderlich.


  • Verbesserte schnelle Rückfahrt zum Referenzpunkt und Referenziergenauigkeit
  • Reduzierte Kosten
  • Einfache Verdrahtung
  • Keine Beeinträchtigung durch externe Sensorfehlfunktionen


Mechanische Sensoren benötigen keine Batterien.
Die Positionsinformationen werden mechanisch vom ABZO-Sensor verwaltet.


  • Batterien müssen nicht ausgetauscht werden
  • Flexible Treiberinstallation
  • Sicherheit bei weltweiten Lieferungen

Die Sequenzfunktion vereinfacht die Programmierung

Die Positioniervorgänge der AZ-Serie verfügen über eine Vielzahl von Ablauffunktionen, wie z. B. die Einstellung eines Timers zwischen den Vorgängen und Linked Operation, die bedingte Verzweigung und die Loop-Funktion.
Diese Funktionen können mit der Parametrier-Software MEXE02 eingestellt werden, was das Programm der übergeordneten Steuerung vereinfacht.

  • Einstellung der Fahrsatzdaten (max. 256)
  • I/O-Signale (6 Eingänge, 6 Ausgänge)
  • Remote I/O-Signale (16 Eingangbits, 16 Ausgangsbits)

Data Collection of Motor Operation Status and Functions Useful for Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

This software is equipped with various monitoring functions for checking the operating status of the motor.
By using different types of equipment for different situations, it is possible to shorten the start-up and adjustment time of the equipment, as well as to utilize it for maintenance and servicing.

Monitoring Function to Visualize the Motor Operating Status and Help Collect Data

The ABZO sensor bulit in the AZ Series allows you to monitor the motor's operating status numerically.

[Monitoring With MEXE02 Support Software]

Monitoring With MEXE02 Support Software

In addition, the built-in controller type can realize data collection at a host master via industrial network.

Information Functions Useful for Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

By setting arbitrary numerical values for the monitored information items, external signals can be output when the values are reached.
Importing this information into the host controller helps in early detection of problems and adjustment of product maintenance timing.

Examples of Information Functions

  • TRIP Information

    You can set the number of rotations you want to output in advance, and output when that number is reached. (Motor operation will continue)

    TRIP Information
  • Temperature Information

    You can set the desired output temperature in advance, and the driver will output when it reaches that temperature. (Motor operation will continue)

    Temperature Information

Standardized Wiring, Control, and Maintenance Parts

Various actuator products equipped with the αSTEP AZ Series are available.
They each have the same motor and driver, which allows for standardized wiring, control, and maintenance parts.

Wiring Standardization

The wiring for motor cables, I/O signals, and power supply is the same.

Control Standardization

These products can be operated via the same method, since the control method is the same. For the network control, the remote I/O and the command code are also the same. It saves you the trouble of creating a program.

Unification of Maintenance Parts

Maintenance parts can be minimized, since the motor, driver, and cable are common to all. Management costs (parts cost, management space) can be reduced.

Standardization of Maintenance Parts

AZ Series-Equipped Product Line

Electric Actuators (AZ Series Equipped)

Electric Linear Slides Electric Cylinders Compact Electric Cylinders Rack-and-Pinion System Electric Grippers Hollow Rotary Actuators
EZS Series EAC Series DR Series
DRS2 Series
L Series EH Series DGII Series
  • The power supply input of the installed motor differs between Series. Please refer to each series page for the detailed product line.

Driver Features and Product Line

Drivers That Can be Selected to Match the Host Controller

The are products available compatible with a variety of controls, systems, and interfaces.

Driver Type Compatible Interfaces Single Axis Driver
AC Input DC Input
AC Input
DC Input
Network Compatible Drivers are controlled directly from a host control device through industrial network EtherCAT
Built-in Controller Operation data is built into the driver.
Controllable via Modbus (RTU) and I/O.
Modbus (RTU)
Pulse Input with RS-485 Communication Controlled by pulse signal. Motor status information can be monitored via Modbus (RTU). Pulse input
Modbus (RTU)
Pulse Input Controlled by pulse signal Pulse input

Support Software, Monitor Functions

Einfacher Betrieb vom PC mit der Parametrier-Software MEXE02

Mit der Parametrier-Software MEXE02 können Fahrsatzdaten und verschiedene Parameter eingestellt, Positionen geteacht und Antriebe überwacht werden.

Hier klicken, um die Parametrier-Software herunterzuladen

Umfassende Unterstützung durch eine Vielzahl von Funktionen der Software vom Start bis zur Wartung

  • Inbetriebnahme und Test

    Nützliche Funktionen für die Verdrahtungsprüfung und eine Testfunktion sind vorhanden.

    • Einstellen und Speichern von Fahrsatzdaten
    • I/O-Test
    • Teaching, Remote Operation
  • Optimierung

    Die folgenden Funktionen helfen bei der Optimierung der Fahrsatzdaten nach der Inbetriebnahme des Antriebs.

    • Waveform Monitor
  • Diagnose und Wartung

    Diagnose- und Wartungsfunktionen stehen für die Fehlerdiagnose und Wartung während des Betriebs zur Verfügung.

    • Alarm Monitor
    • Unit Information Monitor
    • Status Monitor
  • „Operation Data/Parameter Setting“
    „Operation Data/Parameter Setting“
  • Waveform Monitor
    Waveform Monitor

Hier klicken, um Details zu Funktionen der Parametrier-Software zu erhalten

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Operating Manual

Support Software

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