Q.What is the function of electronic gear and how are they used?


The electronic gear is a function that adjusts the travel amount per step (per pulse).
For example, a product with a factory setting resolution of 0.36˚/step can be changed to 0.1˚/step, 1˚/step, and so on.

Below is an example of a electronic gear setting when using a rotating mechanism and a ball screw mechanism.

For Rotating Mechanisms
I want to use a geared motor and rotate it at 0.01˚/step.

  • Product
    AR Series Built-in Controller Type
  • Motor Resolution at Factory Setting
    1000 [P/R]
  • Travel Amount per Revolution
    360 [°]
  • Minimum Travel Amount
    0.01 [°]
  • Gear Ratio
    10 (A geared motor with a gear ratio of 10 is used)

[Calculating the setting value of electronic gears]

\(\begin{align}\text{Mechanical Resolution} &=\text{Motor Resolution at Factory Setting} \times \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}\\[5pt] &=\frac{\text{Travel Amount per Revolution}}{ \text{Minimum travel amount}} \times \text{Gear Ratio} \end{align}\)
In this example,  \(\begin{align} 1000[\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{R}] \times \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}=\frac{360^{\circ}}{0.01^{\circ}} \times \frac{1}{10} \end{align}\)
therefore    \(\begin{align} \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}=\frac{18}{5}\end{align}\)

Based on the calculation results, it is possible to move at 0.01˚/step by setting electronic gear A = 5 and electronic gear B = 18.

For ball screw mechanism
I want to use a ball screw to move it at 0.01 mm/step.

  • Product used
    AR Series Built-in Controller Type
  • Motor Resolution at Factory Setting
    1000 [P/R]
  • Ball screw lead
    12 [mm]
  • Minimum Travel Amount
    0.01 [mm]
  • Gear Ratio
    1 (There shall be no speed reduction mechanism between the motor and ball screw)

[Calculating the setting value of electronic gears]

\(\begin{align}\text{Mechanical Resolution} &=\text{Motor Resolution at Factory Setting} \times \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}\\[5pt] &=\frac{\text{Ball screw lead}}{ \text{Minimum Travel Amount}} \times \text{Gear Ratio} \end{align}\)
In this example,  \(\begin{align} 1000[\mathrm{P} / \mathrm{R}] \times \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}=\frac{12\ \mathrm{mm}}{0.01\ \mathrm{mm}} \times 1 \end{align}\)
therefore    \(\begin{align} \frac{\text{Electronic gear B}}{ \text{Electronic gear A}}=\frac{6}{5}\end{align}\)

Based on the calculation results, it is possible to move at 0.01 mm/step by setting electronic gear A = 5 and electronic gear B = 6.

The range of electronic gear settings differs from product to product, so please refer to the operating manual or user manual of each product for details.
We also provide a technical support tool that allows you to easily calculate electronic gear settings on our website. Please take advantage of it as well.

Product Category: αSTEP, Stepper Motor , Servo Motor
Model and Series: General
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 265

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