Determination of the Availability of Wrap Function (Applicable Products: AZ Series)

The wrap function is a function to automatically preset the position information of the current position when the number of revolutions of the motor output shaft exceeds the set range.

This support tool allows customers to determine whether or not the wrap function can be used by inputting their conditions.
At the same time as determining whether or not the function can be used, it also calculates the setting values for the electronic gear and wrap setting range.
Use this section as a support tool when starting up equipment.

Determination by Mechanism (When performing wrap setting in the future)

Entering Setting Values

When motor frame size is 40 mm min.

Gear ratio
Feed rate per pulse at the load side [deg]
Angle to be reset at the load side [deg]
An external transfer mechanism is used

(If you selected "Yes," please also input the following form)

a. Pulley diameter and number of teeth on the load side
b. Pulley diameter and number of teeth on the motor side

Display of Judgment Results


Determining the Conditions for Parameter Setting

Setting Conditions for "Initial Coordinate Generation & Wrap Setting Range" Parameter

Wrap setting range must meet the following conditions.

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Result of condition ①
Result of condition ②

Setting Value of Electronic Gears and Wrap Setting Range

Setting Range of Parameters for the AZ Series
Electronic gear A 1~65,535
Electronic gear B 1~65,535
Motor output shaft resolution 100~10,000
Wrap setting range [rev] 0.5~1,800.0

*Wrap setting range is rounded to 1st decimal place.
(0.5~900 for motor frame sizes of 30 mm max.)

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Electronic gear A
Electronic gear B
Motor output shaft resolution
Wrap setting range [rev]
Judgment results

Judgment From the Setting Value (If wrap setting is already set)

Entering Setting Values

Electronic gear A
Electronic gear B
Wrap Setting Range [rev]

Display of Judgment Results


Determining the Conditions for Parameter Setting

Setting Conditions for "Initial Coordinate Generation & Wrap Setting Range" Parameter

Wrap setting range must meet the following conditions.

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Result of condition ①
Result of condition ②

Motor Output Shaft Resolution at This Time

Setting Range of Parameters for the AZ Series
Motor Output Shaft Resolution 100~10,000

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Motor Output Shaft Resolution
Judgment results

Values that Can be Set for the "Initial Coordinate Generation & Wrap Setting Range" Parameter

Value that can be set in the "Initial coordinate generation & wrap setting range" parameter is only divisors of "900" or "1,800" in the following table. If input other value different from the below table value, the wrap setting error alarm will be triggered.

*The value that is highlighted in bold cannot be set if the motor frame size is 30 mm max.

Setting Conditions for "Initial Coordinate Generation & Wrap Setting Range" Parameter

Wrap setting range must meet the following conditions.

Setting value of electronic gears and wrap setting range
Electronic gear A 1~65,535
Electronic gear B 1~65,535
Motor Output Shaft Resolution 100~10,000
Wrap Setting Range [rev] 0.5~1,800.0

*Wrap setting range is rounded to 1st decimal place.
(0.5~900 for motor frame sizes of 30 mm max.)

Setting Range of Parameters for the AZ Series
Motor Output Shaft Resolution 100~10,000