Address Calculation for NETC01-CC (When combined with the CC-Link communication module manufactured by Keyence)

Address Calculation for NETC01-CC

Address Calculation for NETC01-CC

The addresses of remote I/O and remote registers can be easily calculated when the "network converter NETC01-CC" is combined with the "CC-Link communication unit (manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation/KEYENCE CORPORATION)."
Use this section as a support tool when starting up your equipment.

Address Calculation for NETC01-CC (When combined with the CC-Link communication module manufactured by Keyence)

Entering Information

Number of connections
Maximum Number of Connected Axes

You can select a maximum of 6 axes or a maximum of 12 axes.
When the operation mode setting switch SW2-No.1 of the NETC01-CC is OFF, 6 axes connection mode is set and when it is ON, 12 axes connection mode is set.


Equipment Selection

Address number 0
Address number 1
Address number 2
Address number 3
Address number 4
Address number 5
Address number 6
Address number 7
Address number 8
Address number 9
Address number 10
Address number 11
Network Parameter Settings
Network Parameter Settings

Enter the values of the network parameters of the PLC software in "Remote input (RX)," "Remote output (RY)," "Remote register (RWr)," and "Remote register (RWw)."
Enter the NETC01-CC station number in the "NETC01-CC station number setting" field.

Note: Under the environment of CC-Link Ver.2, when the device of the station number before NETC01-CC has the extended cyclic setting of 2x or more
Enter the start address of NETC01-CC calculated by the customers in "Remote input (RX)," "Remote output (RY)," "Remote register (RWr)" and "Remote register (RWw)."
Enter "1" in the "NETC01-CC station number setting" field.

Remote input (RX)


Remote output (RY)


Remote register (RWr)


Remote register (RWw)


NETC01-CC station number setting  

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