Q.I am using an AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. I would like to execute a maintenance command. How do I do this?


Set the parameter ID of the maintenance command you would like to execute to the write parameter ID, and set the WR-REQ bit of the write request to ON.

Implicit message

This section describes the setting procedure using "write batch NV memory" as an example.

  1. Confirm WR-END is turned OFF
  2. Write Batch NV Memory Parameter ID: Set 201 as the write parameter ID (For HEX input, set C9h)
  3. Turn ON WR-REQ (The 0th bit of the write request)
  4. Confirm that the maintenance command is executed and WR-ERR is OFF and WR-END is ON
  5. Turn OFF WR-REQ and clear the write parameter ID


  • For details on maintenance commands, refer to the AZ Series Function Edition.

    • *When viewing the AZ Series Function Edition, refer to the name of the parameter instead of the parameter ID.
  • Maintenance commands include non-volatile memory batch processing or P-PRESET, there are processes that manipulate memory.
    Be careful to avoid unnecessary continuous execution.
  • Some of the maintenance commands may have different procedures from the above. Refer to the user manual for details.

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM compatible driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuators equipped with AZ Series
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 565

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