Q.I am using an AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. A fixed I/O signal called EXE-ERR is ON. What kind of signal is EXE-ERR?


This signal is output when the execution of a direct data operation fails.
If direct data operation is executed in the state in which direct data operation cannot be executed (DCMD-RDY output is OFF), EXE-ERR will be ON.

The DCMD-RDY output is turned OFF under the following conditions.

  • The main power supply to the driver is turned OFF
  • The power removal function is activated
  • An alarm is going off
  • C-ON input is OFF (When C-ON input is assigned)
  • FREE input is ON
  • STOP input is ON
  • STOP-COFF input is ON
  • PAUSE input is ON
  • CLR input is ON
  • During return-to-home operation
  • During ZHOME operation
  • MEXE02 is executing a teaching, remote operation, I/O test, download, configuration, backup, or restore
  • Any of the maintenance commands that the "Configuration," "batch data initialization (excluding communication parameters)," "read batch NV memory," "all data batch initialization (including communication parameters)," "read from backup" or "write to backup" is being executed

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM compatible driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuators equipped with AZ Series
Description: Usage method, setting method, abnormalities and troubles
FAQ No.: 564

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