Q.I am using AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. I would like to change the optional monitor content. How do I do this?


Change the setting value of "Assignable Monitor 0~3" using the support software MEXE02 or EtherNet/IP communication.

As an example, the procedure for changing the monitor contents of "Assignable Monitor 0" to "Main Power Supply Time" using the support software MEXE02 is introduced.

  1. Confirm the parameter ID of the content you would like to monitor from the User Manual

    Optional monitor parameters
  2. Set the parameter ID of the content you would like to monitor to the "Assignable Monitor 0" parameter in the "Communication and I/F Functions" of MEXE02.

    Assignable monitor MEXE02 setting
  3. Execute the "Write Data" command.

If you are configuring the settings via EtherNet/IP communication, use the following addresses for the settings.

Parameter ID Name
Dec Hex
25600 6400h Optional monitor address 0
25601 6401h Assignable monitor 1
25602 6402h Assignable monitor 2
25603 6403h Assignable monitor 3

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM Compatible Driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuator AZ Series equipped
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 560

Related FAQs

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