Q.I am using an AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. Is it necessary to wire direct I/O (CN7)?


Direct I/O allows you to operate the motor via EtherNet/IP without wiring.
However, wiring will be required in the following cases.

  • To use a sensor with a positive limit switch and a negative limit switch for safety.
  • To perform return-to-home using the home sensor
  • To input I/O using switches, etc.
  • To run a motor using pulse input
  • To physically check the output

Direct I/O is connected to the I/O signal connector (CN7)*.

  • *The input/output signal connector for AZD-KREP is CN5.
AZ driver CN7

Direct I/O assignments can be changed using the support software MEXE02 or EtherNet/IP communication.

  • *The direct I/O signal assignment change is reflected during configuration or when the power supply is rebooted.

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM compatible driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuators equipped with AZ Series
Description: Wiring method, usage and setting method
FAQ No.: 558

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