Q.I am using an AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. Communication cannot be established. What are the possible causes?


The following are possible causes.

  1. Wiring has not been done correctly
  2. Power supply has not been turned on properly
  3. The correct EDS file has not been set
  4. The communication settings are not correct
  5. An error has occurred in the scanner (Host controller)
  1. Wiring has not been done correctly
    Confirm that all devices in the system are properly connected.

  2. Power supply has not been turned on properly
    Confirm that the power supplies for all devices (including hubs, etc.) that will be operating have been turned on properly.
    Confirm that the L/A LED of the connector (CN5 or CN6) to which the driver's LAN cable is connected is blinking or lit. If the L/A LED is off, recheck the wiring or power supply.

    L/A connector
  3. The correct EDS file has not been set
    If the EDS file set for the scanner (host controller) and the connected driver do not match, communication will not be established.
    Confirm that the EDS file, sure to set for the scanner matched the driver connected.
    EDS files are provided for each driver model.

    AZD-AEP EDS File
    AZD-CEP EDS File
    AZD-KEP EDS File

  4. The communication settings are not correct
    If communication is not established, the IP address or Network Mask setting may be incorrect.
    Confirm that the IP address set for the scanner (host controller) side matches the IP address set for the driver.

    The IP address set on the AZ side can be checked from the support software MEXE02.

    MEXE02 Monitor

    If the IP address is wrong, check the following items.


    Has the control power supply been turned on again after changing the IP address?

    If the IP address is changed, this will be reflected when the control power supply is turned on again.


    Status of the IP address setting switch on the front face of the driver

    If the IP address is set using the IP address setting switch on the front face of the driver, sure to check that the set value is as expected. If the IP address is set using the MEXE02, sure to check that both switches x1 and x16 are set to 0.

    Switch Setting

    Checking the settings when the IP address is set using the support software MEXE02

    • The set values for "IP Address 1-4" and "Network Mask 1-4" in "Communication and I/F Functions"
    • Is the "Configuration Control (attr. 3)" parameter under "Communication and I/F Functions" set to "Parameter?"
    MEXE02 setting

    If the above contents do not resolve the problem, also check the following items

    • The network parts of all devices in the same system match
    • The host part of all devices in the same system is not duplicated
    • The address class is appropriate
    • No special addresses, such as network addresses or broadcast addresses, have been set
    • If assigning from a DHCP server, the assignment has been carried out correctly
    • If assigned from the DHCP server, the control power supply has not been rebooted
    • The IP address registered in the scanner (host controller) and the IP address of the driver match
    • The transmission rate and duplex mode of devices connected by the same LAN cable match
      (The driver sets with the "Interface Control (attr.6)" parameter)
  5. An error has occurred in the scanner (Host controller)
    Some scanners may not communicate when an error has occurred.
    Check the specifications or status of the scanner.

    Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM Compatible Driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuators equipped with AZ Series
Description: Usage method, setting method, abnormalities and troubles
FAQ No.: 555

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