Q.I am using an AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. What kind of input signal is the fixed I/O TRIG-MODE?


This signal is used to set the criteria for the TRIG input, which is the start trigger for direct data operation.

When the TRIG-MODE Input is OFF (0)
When the TRIG input is switched from OFF to ON, the motor starts with the set direct data operation.

  • *When repeating the same data such as an inching operation, set the TRIG-MODE input to OFF (0).

When the TRIG-MODE Input is ON (1)
When the reflected trigger data set in the "Direct Data Operation Trigger Setting" parameter is changed while the TRIG input is ON, the motor starts at the same time as the change.


The initial value for "Direct Data Operation Trigger Setting" is set to "Reflect All Data."
The reflective trigger can be changed using the following methods.

When Configuring via EtherNet/IP Communication
Change the settings for the following parameter IDs.

Parameter ID Name Setting Range Initial Value
Dec Hex
24852 6114 h Direct data operation
trigger setting
Start and changing speed rate
Stop rate
Operating Current
All data reflected
  • *If the setting data is changed via communication, it will be cleared when the power supply is turned on again as the setting data is saved in RAM.
    To retain the settings even after rebooting the power supply, execute the maintenance command "write batch NV memory" after making the changes, or configure the settings using the support software MEXE02.

When Setting With the Support Software MEXE02
Change the "Direct Data Operation Trigger Setting" parameter in "Base Settings."

MEXE02 setting

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IPTM compatible drivers FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuators equipped with AZ Series
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 554

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