AZ Series Motor Connector Technology Integrates 3 Cables into a Single Cable

This information is current as of February 15. 2024.

The existing AZ Series cable type motors1 use three cables: motor cable, encoder cable, and electromagnetic brake cable.The cables are relayed to connect the driver. The new AZ Series connector type motor integrates these three cables into one and mounts the connector directly on the motor, contributing to the reduction of wiring man-hours and space.Since stepper motors are driven by PWM control, radiated noise is generated from the motor lead wires. Therefore, the propagation of noise from the motor lead wires to the sensor and electromagnetic brake lead wires was a technical challenge when integrating the cables.This report describes the technology used to connect the motor and driver with a single cable.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Wiring Comparison
    • 2.1. Wiring of Conventional Model
    • 2.2. Wiring of Connector Type Motor
  • 3. Single Cable Integration Technology
    • 3.1. Challenges when Integrating Cables
    • 3.2. Measures to Eliminate Noise Inside the Motor
    • 3.3. Noise Elimination Measures of Cable
    • 3.4. Small Diameter Cable for Easy Wiring
  • 4. Summary
Notice Only the contents of "1. Introduction" are included here.
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1. Introduction

The "AZ Series" is a battery-free multi-rotation absolute system that combines a stepper motor equipped with a mechanical absolute encoder (ABZO sensor) and the technology of αSTEP, such as tuning-free and high effi ciency. It has been used in many industries; including factory automation and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Automation has advanced rapidly in recent years as a result of the decline in the labor force and the rise in labor costs around the world. This has led to an increase in the number of motor axes and a need to reduce the number of wiring man-hours and wiring space in the equipment.
Figure 1 shows a connection example of the AZ Series cable type motor (conventional model). The connection between the motor and the driver requires three cables, the motor cable, the encoder cable, and the electromagnetic brake cable. The wiring is confi gured so that each cable is connected to its corresponding cable drawn from the motor through each relay connector. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the number of wiring man-hours, such as cable wiring and relay processing, and to reduce the wiring space. To meet these needs, the newly added AZ Series connector type motor, shown in Figure 2, can be connected directly to the driver with an easy-to-wire single cable that is smaller in diameter and easier to bend compared to the three cables used in the conventional model.

Figure 1. AZ Series Cable Type Motor
Figure 1. AZ Series Cable Type Motor
Figure 2. AZ Series Connector Type Motor
Figure 2. AZ Series Connector Type Motor

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AZ Series Connector Type