Electromagnetic Noise

Noise is any voltage, current, or signal other than the intended one.

Noise Sources

Noise sources can be broadly divided into natural noise, which exists naturally in the natural world, and artificial noise, which is caused by objects and phenomena created by humans.
Examples of natural noise include aerodynamic noise such as lightning, solar noise, and space noise.

Examples of Artificial Noise

Artificial noise is also emitted from familiar devices such as industrial equipment and fluorescent lights and has the following transmission paths.

Conducted Noise
Noise generated by inverters and power supplies that travels through wires and patterns
Induced Noise
Noise is induced and transmitted by electromagnetic induction or electrostatic induction when the power line or signal line of accessories comes close to a line (input/output line or pattern) where a noise current is flowing
Radiation Noise
Noise generated by inverters and power supplies that is radiated and transmitted to accessories, with input and output lines acting as antennas