Q.I want to use the NETC02-CC and AZ Series to execute "positioning operation" or "continuous operation." What should I do after setting the data?
Use remote I/O to run it.
Remote I/O (Click on the screen to enlarge)
Example) When driving AZ Series (address number 0) in combination with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s CC-Link communication unit
- *The start address varies depending on the CC-Link station number setting. The table below shows an example of starting with Y1000 and X1000.
By using the technical support tool address calculation for NETC02-CC, the "NETC02-CC" and "CC-Link Communication Unit" can be combined to easily calculate the remote I/O and remote register addresses.
How to Execute Positioning Operations
Example) When positioning operations are performed with operation data No. 0
The following operations are used to perform positioning operations with the specified data.
- [1]
- By setting NET-IN0 (M0) = "OFF," NET-IN1 (M1) = "OFF," and NET-IN2 (M2) = "OFF," operation data No. 0 will be selected.
- [2]
- When NET-IN3 (START) = "ON," positioning operation starts.
- [3]
- Turn NET-IN3 (START) to "OFF."
How to execute continuous operations
Example) When continuous operations are performed with operation data No. 0
The following operations are used to perform continuous operations with the specified data.
- [1]
- By setting NET-IN0 (M0) = "OFF," NET-IN1 (M1) = "OFF," and NET-IN2 (M2) = "OFF," operation data No. 0 will be selected.
- [2]
- When NET-IN14 (FW-POS) or NET-IN15 (RV-POS) is set to "ON," continuous operations will start.
- [3]
- Operations stop when NET-IN14 (FW-POS) or NET-IN15 (RV-POS) is set to "OFF."
Product Category: Controller and network compatible products
Model and Series: NETC02-CC
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 456
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