Q.How do I connect the network converter to the driver?  (Applicable Products: NETC01-CC, NETC02-CC, NETC01-M2, NETC01-M3, NETC01-ECT)


Use the RS-485 communication cable included with the network converter, or a commercially available LAN cable to connect.
One cable of 250 mm and another of 100 mm for RS-485 communication cable are attached.
If this length is not sufficient, please consider using a commercially available LAN cable.

Included cable
  • CC002-RS4 usage example
    Used for AC input type drivers and other devices that cannot be installed in close proximity.

    CC002-RS4 usage example

    From left to right, the image shows NETC02-CC, AZD-AD, AZD-AD, and AZD-KD.

  • CC001-RS4 usage example
    Used for DC input type drivers and other devices that can be installed in close proximity.

    CC001-RS4 usage example

    From left to right, the image shows NETC02-CC, AZD-KD, and AZD-KD.

  • *The second and subsequent cables in each usage example are accessary cables sold separately.

If you are using a commercial LAN cable, please refer to the following FAQ.
Q442. Can I use a commercial LAN cable to connect the network converter to the driver?

Product Category: Controller and Network Compatible Products
Model and Series: General
Description: Wiring Methods, Installation and Mounting Methods, Included Items and Accessories
FAQ No.: 441

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