Accessories for Fans: Screen for Axial Flow Fans

When cooling devices, e.g. electronic equipment that generates electromagnetic waves, they may leak out through the ventilation and cooling holes of the fan, causing electromagnetic interference that affects other computers and measurement devices.
This screen allows air to flow through and shuts down electromagnetic waves.
A wavy stainless steel mesh is fixed to an aluminum frame, which is a durable electromagnetic shield.
Screwed onto the fan.


Product Name Applicable Product
FS6S MD■625
FS8S MU825, MD■825
FS9S EMU938, MU925, MD■925
FS12S EMU1238, MU1225, MU1238, MRE12, MD■1225, MD1238
  • A letter (S, A, E, V, or P) indicating the type is specified where the box ■ is located in the product name.

<Mounting Example>

  • Mounting screws and nuts are not included.
  • Install it with the flat side facing the fan.
  • To shut down electromagnetic waves, install the screen so that there is no gap between the screen frame and the enclosure.

Comparison of Air Flow - Static Pressure Characteristics When Using a Screen (For reference)

The figure shows the change in characteristics with and without a screen for axial flow fans. Since there are differences depending on the fan product line and size, please use these values as a reference.

Characteristics change with/without screen