AZ Series EtherCAT Compatible Driver (MC instruction) FAQ

We excerpted frequently asked questions that arise when using AZ Series EtherCAT Compatible Driver from the FAQ section of the Oriental Motor website. Refer according to purpose. (No. of FAQs is the serial number of the entire FAQ content.)

Target Product Name AZ Series EtherCAT Drive Profile Compatible Driver:
Use PLC motion control (MC instruction)
(Operation mode CSP, CSV mode)
  • Introduction and Review
  • Connecting and Axis Setting
  • Position Coordinate Management
  • Return-to-Home
  • Control
  • Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting

Introduction and Review

  • Q571. What is the difference between cyclic synchronous position mode (CSP) and profile position mode (PP)?

Connecting and Axis Setting

  • Q504. Is it possible to connect only 2 axes of a 4-axis type to the motor and use it without connecting the remaining 2 axes to the motor?

Position Coordinate Management

  • Q590. What should I set motor resolution (number of pulses per motor revolution) to in the axis settings?
    Also, I want to set the mm setting or degree setting. How should I do this?
  • Q591. How do I set the axis for the DGII Series?


  • Q575. How do I perform return-to-home?
  • Q593. How do I preset the current coordinates?
  • Q577. How do I preset (P-preset) the position of ABZO Sensor?
  • Q578. Can I perform ZHOME operation (high-speed return-to-home operation)?
  • Q579. How do I perform push-motion return-to-home?


  • Q580. Do I need to use direct Input?
  • Q581. How do I cancel the electromagnetic brake (turn FREE ON)?
  • Q492. A Driver alarm has occurred. How do I clear Alarm?
  • Q602. Can I drive (JOG) continuously?


  • Q584. How do I monitor the torque and temperature of the motor in the host master?
  • Q585. How do I check the content of the driver alarm in the host master?


  • Q494. POWER LED and ALARM LED on Driver blink twice in unison. What is the cause of this?
  • Q490. The servo is turned off, but turning the shaft by hand is heavy. Why is this?
  • Q491. The servo is on, but there is no excitation of the motor. Why is this?
  • Q600. If you run the motor for a while, the command pulse error alarm will appear. What is the cause of this?