Q.I am using AZ Series EtherNet/IP compatible driver. How can I perform return-to-home?


There are three ways to execute return-to-home. Execute one of the following.

  1. How to use the remote operation of Oriental Motor's support software MEXE02
  2. How to assign HOME input to direct input
  3. How to assign the HOME input to the remote input and use it via communication

In addition, the AZ Series uses a mechanical ABZO sensor, so once the home has been determined, positioning to the home position at high speed using ZHOME input is possible. Please also refer to the following FAQs.
Q289. What is the difference between ZHOME operation and return-to-home operation of AZ Series?

  1. How to use the remote operation of Oriental Motor's support software MEXE02
    Enable the Teaching, remote operation and click "Home Operation" to start return-to-home.

    MEXE02 return-to-home operation
  2. How to assign HOME input to direct input
    Assign the HOME and HOMES inputs to the direct inputs (DIN0~5) using the support software MEXE02 or EtherNet/IP. Return-to-home is performed by turning the assigned HOME input ON.

  3. How to assign the HOME input to the remote input and use it via communication
    Assign the HOME and HOMES inputs to the remote inputs (R-IN0~15) using the support software MEXE02 or EtherNet/IP. Return-to-home is performed by turning the assigned HOME input ON.

Related Information: AZ Series EtherNet/IP TM Compatible Driver FAQ

Product Category: αSTEP, electric actuators
Model and Series: AZ Series, electric actuator AZ Series equipped
Description: How to Use/Setting Method
FAQ No.: 562

Related FAQs

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