Compact Electric Cylinders

DRS2 Series

Compact Electric Cylinders DRS2 Series
  • A Compact Structure That Integrates a Ball Screw and Stepper Motor
  • Equipped with Closed Loop Stepper Motor
  • Stroke 40/50 mm, Frame Size 42/60 mm, Maximum Thrust 500 N
  • Ultra-High Precision Positioning

Features | Compact Electric Cylinder DRS2 Series

Key Features

Integrated Structure of αSTEP and Ball Screw

Achieve Highly Accurate Positioning by Combining the Highly Accurate αSTEP With a Ball Screw

By integrating the hollow rotor and ball screw nut without using couplings or other connecting parts, the rigidity of the parts and the effect of backlash due to combining are reduced.

DRS2 Series Internal Structure
2 Types of Ball Screws for Drive
Drive Ball Screw Precision Rolled
Repetitive Positioning Accuracy ±0.003 mm ±0.01 mm
Minimum Travel Amount 0.001 mm
Achieve Large Transportable Mass and High-Speed Operation*
Lead 2 mm 8 mm
Transportable Mass
(Common to both horizontal and vertical directions)
10 kg 5 kg
Maximum Speed 50 mm/s 200 mm/s
  • *The specification values in the table are for a guide type with 42 mm frame size.

The shortest positioning time can be easily calculated

For applicable products of Oriental Motor's electric actuators, a support tool is available to calculate the reference positioning time according to the "model" and "operation conditions."

αSTEP AZ Series Drive Motor Equipped

  • Features a built-in battery-free absolute encoder with no external sensors required for continuous monitoring of the motor position
  • High Reliability With Closed Loop Control
  • High Efficiency Technology Reduces Motor Heat Generation and Saves Energy
ABZO Sensor

Allows Stable, Fine Feed

Equipped with αSTEP, which enables stable repetition of finely-detailed movements, 1 step at a time. Ideal for fine adjustment of cameras and lenses.

DR Series Fine Feed

Smooth Low Speed Operation

The microstep drive and smooth drive function* reduce vibration at low speed and allow for smooth movement. Ideal for drive shafts that stably supply solution from a syringe.

  • *The smooth drive function automatically microsteps based on the same traveling amount and traveling speed used in the full step mode, without changing the pulse input settings.
DR Series Smooth at Low Speed

Contributes to Size and Weight Reductions of Equipment

The compact body with integrated αSTEP and ball screw can contribute to reducing equipment size and space saving.
Our leading-edge lightweight equipment provides improved design flexibility.

Contributes to Size and Weight Reductions of Equipment

Any Combination of Types and Additional Functions is Possible

Guide Type

This product has high rigidity guide that can fix the load to the cylinder.
Directly installing the load is easy.

Guide Type

Non-Guide Type

The compact shape without any guide allows direct integration into equipment.
This product can be used as a compact thrust force shaft in the guide section of equipment for load transportation.

Non-Guide Type

Product Line of Type With Guide and Non-Guide Type With Electromagnetic Brake

Products with the power off activated type electromagnetic brake are available. The stop position can be held when the power is OFF. Even when mounted in the vertical direction, there is no risk of the load falling during maintenance work.

DRS2 With Electromagnetic Brake

Reduces Startup Time

Compact Body Houses Entire Linear Motion Mechanism

As there is no need to make the parts in-house, the time required for "equipment design and parts selection" and "assembly and accurate mounting adjustment" can be reduced, leading to more efficient equipment start-up.

Configuration examples of cases where the load is driven by the same stroke

Parameters Required for Operation Already Set

Mechanical parameters such as lead and stroke are set by the ABZO Sensor at the time of shipment. After purchase, it can be set in "mm" units, contributing to reduced equipment start-up time.

Travel amount can be set in

No Home Sensor Required

Since position information is managed mechanically by the ABZO sensor, external sensors such as a home sensor and limit sensor are not required. Regular maintenance issues when using external sensors can also be avoided.

No Need for a Home Sensor and Saves Space

Advantages of AZ Series Equipped

Encoder assoluto senza batteria

È dotato di un piccolo encoder assoluto meccanico senza batteria (sensore ABZO). In questo modo è possibile migliorare la produttività e ridurre i costi.

Sensore ABZO
  • Sensore meccanico
    Conserva le informazioni sul posizionamento anche in assenza di alimentazione
  • Encoder assoluto multigiro
    Il rilevamento della posizione assoluta è possibile con ±900 (1.800) giri dell'albero motore dalla posizione iniziale

Non è richiesto alcun sensore esterno

Poiché si tratta di un sistema assoluto, non sono richiesti sensori homing o sensori di limite.


  • Miglioramento dell’homing ad alta velocità e della precisione di homing
  • Costi ridotti
  • Cablaggio semplice
  • Non influenzato dal malfunzionamento del sensore esterno

Senza batteria

I sensori meccanici non richiedono batterie.
Le informazioni di posizionamento sono gestite meccanicamente dal sensore ABZO.


  • Non è necessario sostituire le batterie
  • Possibilità illimitate di installazione dei driver
  • Adatto alla spedizione all'estero

Semplificazione del programma principale tramite la funzione sequenza

La Serie AZ è dotata di una vasta gamma di funzioni di sequenza, come impostazioni del timer per operazioni collegate e durante le operazioni, istruzioni condizionali e operazioni in loop (esclusi alcuni modelli).
Può essere configurata utilizzando il software di supporto MEXE02, che semplifica il programma di sequenza del sistema host.

  • Valore di configurazione dei dati di posizionamento (max. 256)
  • Segnali di I/O fisici per uso generale (Ingresso 10, Uscita 6)
  • Segnali di I/O remoti (Ingresso 16, Uscita 16)

AZ Series-Equipped Product Line

Since the motors installed are the same, the operating and maintenance methods are the same.

Electric Actuators (AZ Series equipped)

Electric Linear Slides Electric Cylinders Compact Electric Cylinders Rack-and-Pinion System Electric Grippers Hollow Rotary Actuators
EZS Series EAC Series DR Series
DRS2 Series
L Series EH Series DGII Series
  • The power supply input of the installed motor differs between Series. Please refer to each series page for the detailed product line.

Driver Features and Product Line

Drivers That Can be Selected to Match the Host Controller

The lineup is available for a variety of controls, systems, and interfaces.

Driver Type Compatible Interfaces Single Axis Driver
DC Input
DC input
Network Compatible Drivers are controlled directly from a host control device through industrial network EtherCAT
Built-in Controller Operation data is built into the driver. Controllable by Modbus (RTU) and I/O. Modbus (RTU)
Pulse Input with RS-485 Communication Controlled by pulse signal. Motor status information can be monitored via Modbus (RTU). Pulse input
Modbus (RTU)
Pulse Input Controlled by pulse signal Pulse input

Applications and Convenient Usage


Guide Type

Guide Type

Driving a Dispenser

Driving a Dispenser

Press Fit Pins

Press Fit Pins

Non-Guide Type

Non-Guide Type

Automatic Micro-Plate Dispenser

Automatic Micro-Plate Dispenser

Mounting Example

Guided Type/Non-Guide Type

Mounting direction is front mounting.

Guided Type/Non-Guide Type
  • The figure shows the guided type.

Efficient Push-Motion Operation

Flexible Push Force and Timing

The various types of electric actuator can easily transition to push-motion operation after positioning operations are completed. In addition, push force and timing are flexible.


Please refrain from performing push-motion operation with the DR Series 1 mm lead compact electric cylinders. Because the TLC signal will be output prior to completion of push-motion operation, it may not be completed normally.
Push-motion operation can be used with other electric linear slides, compact electric cylinders, and electric grippers.


  • You can set the push force and push timing to an operation data number, and then select the data number to change the settings.
  • There are different ways to change the pressing phases, such as dropping the force so that the position does not shift, slowly increasing the force, or rapidly increasing the force.
Flexible Push Force and Timing
  • *The illustrations above are reference diagrams for the DRS2 Series of compact electric cylinders.

Can be Used With Low Speed Push-Motion

The motor can approach the load at high speed. The motor decelerates just before hitting the surface at low speed.


  • Since the pressing impact is minimal, a mechanism for shock absorption is not required.
  • The motor can approach at high speed just before reaching the surface, thus reducing the takt time.
Can be Used With Low Speed Push-Motion
  • *The illustrations above are reference diagrams for the DRS2 Series of compact electric cylinders.

Pulse Input Type Can Also be Used for Push-Motion Operation

When T-MODE input is set, push-motion operation is possible, without the overload alarm for the pulse input type being generated.
This is useful for push-motion operation while using pulse input control.

Can Detect Forgotten Load Insertion Without Any External Sensors

The presence or absence of load can be checked by the output signals (TLC output and IN-POS output) from the driver.

  • IN-POS Output
    Output signal sent when positioning operations are completed.
  • TLC Output
    Output signal sent when output torque reaches the torque limiting value setting during push-motion operation.
Can Detect Forgotten Load Insertion Without Any External Sensors
  • *The illustrations above are reference diagrams for the DRS2 Series of compact electric cylinders.

Various Operating Patterns and I/O Signals (Applicable to built-in controller type drivers, etc.)

With this type, the operation data is set in the driver, then selected and executed from the host system. In addition, operation data can be combined or shifted to another operation data triggered by an internal or external ON or OFF signal.

Various Operating Patterns and I/O Signals

Support Software, Monitoring Function

Facile gestione da PC con software di supporto MEXE02

Utilizzando il software di supporto MEXE02, è possibile impostare e modificare i dati di funzionamento e vari parametri, nonché gestire e monitorare varie condizioni.

Fare clic qui per scaricare il software di supporto

Supporto completo dall'avvio alla manutenzione con una varietà di funzioni

  • Avvio e diagnostica

    Vengono fornite funzioni utili per il controllo del cablaggio e il funzionamento del test.

    • Impostazione e salvataggio dei dati di funzionamento
    • Monitoraggio I/O
    • Teaching, funzionamento da remoto
  • Regolazione

    Di seguito sono riportate le funzioni che possono aiutare a regolare il funzionamento del motore dopo l'installazione dell'apparecchiatura.

    • Oscilloscopio
  • Diagnosi e manutenzione

    Le funzioni di diagnosi e manutenzione sono disponibili per risolvere i problemi e per intervenire dopo l'avvio del funzionamento.

    • Monitor dell’allarme
    • Monitor informazioni dell’unità
    • Monitor dello stato
  • Schermo di configurazione dei dati di funzionamento/parametri
    Schermo di configurazione dei dati di funzionamento/parametri
  • Oscilloscopio

Fare clic qui per i dettagli sulle funzioni del software di supporto

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