AC Motors

Ac motors

Sono disponibili motori in grado di garantire velocità costante, funzionamento istantaneo bidirezionale, mantenimento del carico durante operazioni verticali, controllo della velocità e del tensionamento. I nostri motori sono progettati per soddisfare i diversi movimenti richiesti dalle apparecchiature del cliente. Offriamo inoltre motori adatti ad ambienti difficili, come motori a tenuta stagna, resistenti alla polvere e motori antideflagranti con caratteristiche di sicurezza avanzate.

AC Motors
Overview and Related Information

Overview of AC Motors

AC motors are widely used as a power source for automated equipment because they can be operated easily by simply connecting the motors to an AC power supply.
Oriental Motor offers AC motors incorporating various operation functions. These can also be combined with circuit products for brake packs and speed control, or assembled with actuator products such as gearheads and linear heads. Therefore, these can be used in a wide range of applications.

Features of AC Motors

Motors for Easy Operation

AC motors include single-phase motors used with a single-phase power supply and three-phase motors used with a three-phase power supply.
Single-Phase motors can be operated by connecting them to a single-phase power supply via the included capacitor.
Three-Phase motors do not require a capacitor and can be operated by connecting them directly to a three-phase power supply.

Connection Example for Induction Motor Single-Phase Power Supply Input Type
Connection Example for Induction Motor  Single-Phase Power Supply Input Type
Connection Example for Induction Motor Three-Phase Power Supply Input Type
Connection Example for Induction Motor  Three-Phase Power Supply Input Type

Rotation Speed Determined by Power Supply Frequency

The basic speed (synchronous speed*) of an AC motor is determined by the power supply frequency and the number of poles.
Since most of Oriental Motor’s products are 4-pole, the synchronous speed is as follows.

50 Hz
1500 r/min
60 Hz
1800 r/min

The actual rotation speed varies with load torque.
When a load torque equivalent to the rated torque is applied, the rotation speed of Oriental Motor’s products will be approximately as follows.

50 Hz
1200~1300 r/min
60 Hz
1450~1600 r/min

The rated speed of our AC motors is set within these ranges for each product.
When calculating the speed of the device in more detail, refer to this rated speed.

Also, the power supply frequency may vary by region. For automatic devices that will be used in various regions, use different gearhead gear ratios.

Speed - Torque Characteristics

Select the Motor According to Load Torque

The torque generated by each AC motor is different depending on the motor frame size and length.
Oriental Motor has systematized motor sizes and output power, and offers products with frame sizes ranging from 42 mm to 104 mm and output power from 1 W to 200 W.
Depending on the load torque, you can choose a motor from a wide range of variations.

Related Information

Features of torque motors

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