Cables and Accessories
Cables and Accessories that are convenient for installing and operating Oriental Motor products are available.

Cables useful for connection between a motor and a power supply, a motor and a driver, or a driver and a controller are available. Select the cable that suits your motor type.

Small, thin, and lightweight rotary encoders are available in 14 different resolutions.
Flexible Couplings

Flexible couplings that are convenient for connecting motor shafts and driven shafts are available.
Mounting Brackets

Useful brackets for mounting motors, circuit products, and more are available.

Mounting Brackets for Motors
These are dedicated mounting brackets convenient for mounting and fixing motors and gearheads.

Mounting Brackets for Circuit Products
These are mounting brackets for circuit products such as drivers and speed controllers.

Other Mounting Brackets
Mounting brackets for actuators and various peripheral parts are also available.

Robot Flange Adapter
Flange adapters for attaching end effector to commercially available industrial robots.
Wiring Support Components

A variety of devices and parts are available to help achieve improved quality and labor saving in connection and wiring work.
Setting and Display Devices

Refer to here for information on software, equipment, and adjustment potentiometer required for data setting.

External Speed Potentiometer/External Torque Potentiometer
Other Accessories

Refer to here for parts for characteristic improvement, various protective covers, etc.

Clean Damper
Effective in suppressing stepper motor vibration and improving high speed performance.

Capacitor Cap
Insulation caps for terminals of capacitors for AC motors and cooling fans.

Regeneration Resistor/Regeneration Unit
Regeneration resistor required for vertical driving or large inertia drive, and regeneration unit only offered for DC input products.

Motor/Driver Cover
A protective cover for Oriental Motor's products.

CR Circuit for Surge Suppression/External Resistor for Braking
Refer to here for CR circuit for surge suppression to protect relay and switch contacts, and external resistor for brake current suppression of speed controllers and brake packs.
Accessories for Fans

Dedicated accessories for various cooling fans are available, such as finger guards, filters, and mounting brackets.