Other Accessories: Clean Damper

This product is effective in suppressing stepper motor vibration and improving high-speed performance.


  • Excellent Vibration Absorption
    The donut-shaped internal inertial load and silicon gel absorb vibration. It always has a stable vibration absorption effect.
  • No abrasion powder is produced, so it can be used in environments where cleanliness is required.
  • These are accessories for double shaft type motors.
Product Name Applicable Shaft Diameter
Applicable Stepper Motor Frame Size
Clean Dampers
Clean Damper Application Example
D4CL-5.0F 5 □28 mm, □35 mm, □42 mm
D6CL-6.3F 6.35 □50 mm, □56.4 mm, □60 mm
D6CL-8.0F 8 □56.4 mm, □60 mm
D9CL-14F 14 □85 mm, □90 mm
Check the rear shaft diameter of the motor before selecting.