Design and Basic Technology for Watertight, Dust-Resistant Brushless Motors

This information is current as of October 30, 2020.

Oriental Motor has expanded the product lineup of the BMU and BLE2 brushless motor series to now include dust and water resistant specifications. Compared to the conventional brushless motors in the BMU and BLE2 Series, the joints of exposed components are reduced and an O-ring is used for the seal. Adopting high corrosion-resistant c oating and shapes that water easily flows across, this product can be adopted for any food machinery required to use under a hygienic condition. In addition, we have established our own evaluation standard taking aging degradation into consideration to ensure that water resistant performance is maintained. Oriental Motor has sold the watertight and dust-resistant induction motors FPW Series, and projects the requirements for dust and water resistant performances are also increasing in brushless motors because they are compact and offer high output power compared to induction motors. This new brushless motor is expected to play an active role in the market.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Features of Watertight, Dust-Resistant Brushless Motor
    • 2.1. High Dust and Water Resistant Performances
    • 2.2. Compact Size and High Output Power
    • 2.3. Low Heat Generation
  • 3. Design for Dust and Water Resistant Specifi cations
    • 3.1. Motor Structure
    • 3.2. O-ring
    • 3.3. Waterproof Connector
    • 3.4. Degree of Protection
    • 3.5. "Water-Washing Resistant Test" Considering Aging D egradation
  • 4. Design Considering Corrosion Resistance
    • 4.1. Coating
    • 4.2. Galvanic Corrosion (Bimetallic Corrosion)
    • 4.3. Use of Parts Made of Stainless Steel
  • 5. Motor Shape
  • 6. Summar
Notice Only the contents of "1. Introduction" are included here.
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1. Introduction

Automation in factories is growing due to a d ecrease in the labor force population and other factors, and motors are increasingly used in applications exposed to dust and water. Induction motors are widely used in food machinery. Recently, motors that are compact and off er high output power in addition to improvement of speed controllability are desired. Food machinery may require regular cleaning from a viewpoint of hygienic control, but motors that can be used in an environment where water is splashed are currently limited.
Oriental Motor has developed the BMU and BLE2 Series watertight, dust-resistant brushless motors (hereinafter referred to as "IP66/IP67 brushless motor") that can be washed with water. Motors of output power 200 W, 300 W, and 400 W are available. Adopting the IP66/IP67 brushless motor can improve speed c ontrollability while achieving compact size and high output power, allowing for the design and manufacturing of equipment at a higher level. This article introduces the design and basic technology of the IP66/IP67 brushless motor.

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