Selecting a Cooling Fan: Selection Procedure

This section explains the basic selection method for ventilation and cooling, exemplified by the usage of cooling fans.

Equipment Specifications and Conditions

Specify clearly what °C the internal temperature should be in the equipment design.

Amount of Heat Generated Inside the Equipment

Calculate the sum of heat generation of the heat-generating parts in the equipment.

Calculating the Required Air Flow

Once you have a clear idea of such factors as the amount of heat generated, to what °C the temperature is to be lowered, and what the ambient temperature is, you can then determine the required air flow.

Selecting a Cooling Fan

Selecting a cooling fan is based on the determined required air flow. The air flow for mounted cooling fans is determined from the air flow - static pressure characteristics and equipment pressure loss. However, since it is difficult to determine the pressure loss for equipment, cooling fans with a maximum air flow between 1.3x and 2x the required air flow are generally selected.

Selecting a Cooling Fan

Flow Chart for Selecting Cooling Fans

Flow Chart for Selecting Cooling Fans