Address Calculation for NETC02-CC (When combined with the CC-Link communication unit manufactured by KEYENCE)

Address Calculation for NETC02-CC

Address Calculation for NETC02-CC

The addresses of remote I/O and remote registers can be easily calculated when the "network converter NETC02-CC" is combined with the "CC-Link communication unit (manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation/KEYENCE CORPORATION)."
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Address Calculation for NETC02-CC (When combined with the CC-Link communication unit manufactured by KEYENCE)

Entering Information

Extended Cyclic Settings
Extended Cyclic Settings

The initial value of the extended cyclic setting is 2x. If the number of the connected unit and remote I/O which can be used in the initial value are not enough, change the extended cyclic setting.

Extended Cyclic Settings Maximum Number of Connected Units Remote I/O Points Remote Register Number Of Words
×2 8 units 224 points (16 bit × 14) 32 words
×4 16 units 448 points (16 bit × 28) 64 words
×8 16 units 896 points (16 bit × 56) 128 words

If the extended cyclic setting is changed, the maximum number of connected units, the number of points for remote I/O, and the number of words for remote register are changed.

  • If the number of the connected units is small and the number of data to be rewritten is small, select 2×.
  • If the number of the connected units is large and the number of data to be rewritten is large, select 4× or 8×.

Equipment Selection

Address number 0
Address number 1
Address number 2
Address number 3
Address number 4
Address number 5
Address number 6
Address number 7
Address number 8
Address number 9
Address number 10
Address number 11
Address number 12
Address number 13
Address number 14
Address number 15
Network Parameter Settings
NETC02-CC station number setting  
For RX, RY, RWr, and RWw, enter NETC02-CC's.
Remote input (RX)


Remote output (RY)


Remote register (RWr)


Remote register (RWw)


Command execution method for remote registers
Command execution method for remote registers
Command Selection Method

This method is useful for rewriting multiple data or parameters.
The number of data that can be sent at one time depends on the extended cyclic setting.

Extended Cyclic Number of Data that Can be Sent at One Time
×2 8 data
×4 16 data
×8 32 data
Command Fixation Method

This method is useful when data is rewritten every time from the PLC instead of fixed data.
The data to be rewritten changes depending on the register arrangement setting.

(Example of AR Series)

Register Arrangement Types of Data That Can be Rewritten
4 words Position
8 words Position, operating speed, operation mode
16 words Position, operating speed, operation mode, acceleration, deceleration, push current, operation function

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Remote Register List


Remote I/O List


Remote I/O List


Remote I/O List