Calculation of Operating Pattern

You can calculate the operating pattern. Please use this section as a support tool for your selection calculations.
Input the setting values for your desired mechanism. Click the "Calculation of Operating Pattern" button to display the calculation results.

For Rotating Mechanisms

Entering setting values

Travel amount per pulse
Δl: [deg]
Amount to be moved
0: [deg]
Moving time
t0: [sec]
Acceleration/deceleration time
t1: [sec]
Starting speed
f1: [Hz]

Using this support tool does not guarantee the operation.
Please check the specification values of the product to be used when actually making the settings.

Display of Calculation Results

For Linear Motion Mechanism

Entering setting values

Travel amount per pulse
Δl: [mm]
Amount to be moved
0: [mm]
Moving time
t0: [sec]
Acceleration/deceleration time
t1: [sec]
Starting speed
f1: [mm/s]

Using this support tool does not guarantee the operation.
Please check the specification values of the product to be used when actually making the settings.

Display of Calculation Results