Mixer (Agitator) Case Study of Stable Speed Agitation


Agitation with a Stable Speed

Agitation with a Stable Speed

Conventional Equipment

Equipment that uses a three-phase induction motor to rotate a shaft for uniform agitation. (An inverter is used for speed control)

Agitation of liquids and powders for food, cosmetics, etc.

Conventional Problems

  • Viscosity changes during agitation, resulting in time-consuming agitation and variations in quality.
    (The motor rotation speed is affected by the change in load torque.)
Changes in Viscosity and Torque Over Time


Brushless Motor with Good Speed Regulation
Minimizes the Effect of Load Fluctuation
and Realizes Agitation at a Stable Speed

Brushless Motor BMU Series

Using brushless motors like the BMU Series enables driving at a steady rotation speed from low speed to high speed, even when the load changes.

Specific Application Examples

Minimizes the effect of brushless motor load fluctuation and achieves agitation at a stable speed

Capable of handling a wide variety of liquids and powders

Feedback control and PWM control provide stable speed control that is not affected by changes in load.

BMU Series BLH Series
External View Brushless Motor BMU Series Brushless Motor BLH Series
Power Supply Input AC Input DC Input
Output Power 30 W, 60 W, 120 W
200 W, 300 W, 400 W
15 W, 30 W, 50 W
100 W
Speed Regulation (Load) ±0.2 % ±0.5 %*
Speed Control Range 80~4000 r/min
(Speed Ratio 1: 50)
100~3000 r/min*
(Speed Ratio 1: 30)
  • *This value is for analog settings and PWM input settings. For digital setting, the speed regulation (load) is ±0.2 %, and the speed control range is 80~3000 r/min.

The 2 products in the table are typical examples of brushless motors that Oriental Motor provides.
For the AC input type, products with higher characteristics of speed regulation and speed range are also available.

Product Line of H1 Food-Grade Lubricant Compatible Gearheads (*Select series only)

For food agitators, gearheads with H1 food-grade lubricant are recommended.

H1 Food-Grade Lubricant Compatible

What is H1 Food-Grade Lubricant?

A grease registered with the NSF in the category of "Lubricants usable in applications where accidental contact with food is possible."

What is NSF (NSF International)?

It is an international third-party certification body headquartered in the United States that provides global services related to public health and the environment, including standards development, product certification, auditing, education, and risk management.

  • *This gearhead is available in the BMU Series/BLE2 Series.

Compact and Lightweight

By changing from a three-phase induction motor to a brushless motor, the size and weight can be reduced.

[Comparison of Dimensions and Mass (Round Shaft Type Motor)]

Oriental Motor Three-Phase
Induction Motors
BMU Series
Connector Type
BLH Series

Oriental Motor Three-Phase Induction Motor

Oriental Motor Three-Phase Induction Motor

Output 90 W 120 W 100 W
Frame Size □90 mm □90 mm □90 mm
Overall Length 135 mm 50.4 mm Reduced by 84.6 mm 57 mm Reduced by 78 mm
Mass 3.6 kg 1.1 kg Reduced by 2.5 kg 1.4 kg Reduced by 2.2 kg