2-Phase Stepper Motors PKP/PK Series Motor Details

Standard Type

You can choose according to price, specifications and characteristics you are looking for.

Mini Connector Type
Mini Connector Type
Connector Type
Connector Type
  • Low overhang of the connector part due to the use of small and flat connectors
  • Permissible Radial Load/Permissible Axial Load
  • High torque (except some models)
Reasonable price
Permissible Radial Load □42 mm
(Maximum value)
85 N 52 N
Permissible Axial Load □42 mm 15 N 10 N
Speed - Torque Characteristics Example
□42 mm (Reference value)
Example of rotational speed-torque characteristics □42 mm (Reference value)

Advantages of Increased Permissible Radial Load

Permissible radial load has been increased for the mini connector type.

High-Resolution Type

This motor has a basic step angle of 0.9°. This results in a greater positioning accuracy. In addition, the displacement angle when external force is applied to the shaft is smaller than that of the standard type.

Comparison of Displacement Angles Due to Frictional Load (Reference values)

For a friction load of 0.3 N·m

  • Comparison of displacement angles due to frictional load (reference values)
  • Comparison of displacement angles due to frictional load (reference values)

Flat Type

This flat stepper motor can be installed in small spaces. It is useful in various situations such as index tables and robot joints.

Frame Size □42 mm □60 mm
Dimensions □42 mm □60 mm
Mass 0.11 kg 0.2 kg
Maximum Holding Torque 0.1 N·m 0.18 N·m

With Harmonic Gearheads

Combined with harmonic gearheads, high-torque, large-inertia drive is possible. Since the load can be mounted directly on the rotating surface, it can be easily accommodated in the narrow space of a robot joint.

Flat type with □42 harmonic gearhead
Gear Ratio 100
Maximum Holding Torque 2.4 N·m
Mass 0.32 kg
Motor Length 17 mm
  • * Harmonic drive and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

Geared Type

By using the geared type, the advantages of deceleration, high torque, and high resolution can be obtained. Torque can be increased without changing the frame size even when motor installation space is limited.

Comparison of standard type and CS geared type □42 mm

Motor Type Standard Type CS Geared Type
Dimensions Standard Type CS Geared Type
Product Name PKP243D15A2 PKP243D15A2-CS20
Maximum Holding Torque 0.35 N·m 2 N·m

Points for Using CS Geared Type and SH Geared Type

CS Geared Type
CS Geared
SH Geared Type
  • Center shaft shape
  • High torque
  • High permissible radial load
  • Wide variation
    • Frame size 90 mm unipolar wiring
    • With encoder
    • Many types of gear ratios

CS Geared Type

High-torque, high-strength geared motor. Center shaft shape.

  • CS Geared
  • High Strength

    high strength

Dimensions Comparison (Units: mm)

CS gearhead and SH gearhead dimensions comparison

Torque Characteristics Comparison

Torque Characteristics Comparison

SH Geared Type

This geared motor is available in a wide variety of gear ratios, wiring methods, frame sizes, etc. Also available with an encoder.
