Case Study of Weight Reduction of the Motor Section of a Grip Conveyor (Side Conveyor)


Reducing the Weight of the Motor Section

Reducing the Weight of the Motor Section

Conventional Equipment

2 conveyors are driven by 2 three-phase induction motors to transport cylindrical loads (bottles, PET bottles, etc.) between them (inverter is used for speed control)

Printing and labeling on loads

Conventional Problems

  • Heavy motors require stronger mounts, resulting in heavier and more expensive conveyors
    Additionally, heavy conveyors make installation difficult
    (Since 2 motors are used, the mass of the motors greatly affects the mass of the device.)
  • If the motor is heavy, you cannot lift it with one hand, making it difficult to work with


Brushless Motor BMU Series
Significant Weight Reduction of Motors

Brushless Motor BMU Series

The Brushless Motor BMU Series is used to reduce the weight of the motors.

Specific Application Examples

Reduced motor weight

Easy to Use, Affordable Conveyor

The lighter weight of the conveyor makes assembly, installation, and maintenance easier.
It also reduces the cost of equipment design because it increases the degree of freedom when designing the mounts.

Substantial Weight Reduction

By switching from three-phase induction motors to the BMU Series, the weight can be reduced by 6.6 kg (3.3 kg per unit).

Oriental Motor Three-Phase Induction Motor
(An example when combined with a general-purpose inverter)
BMU Series
Output Power 90 W 60 W
Frame Size □90 mm □80 mm
Gear type Parallel Shaft Parallel Shaft
Gear Ratio 9 30
Gearhead Output Shaft
Permissible Torque
4.2 N·m (33~133 r/min) 5.2 N·m (2.7~66.7 r/min)
4.9 N·m (100 r/min)
3.7 N·m (133 r/min)
Mass 4.7 kg 1.4 kg 3.3 kg reduction