Setting and Display Devices: External Speed Potentiometer/External Torque Potentiometer - Single Rotation Type

This is a variable resistor used to set the rotation speed of a speed control motor, or the torque of a torque motor.
Multiple units can be used in combination for multi-speed setting.


Product Name Applicable Product
Speed Control Motors Torque Motors Cooling Fans
Brushless Motors AC Speed Control Motors
External Speed Potentiometer and External Torque Potentiometer
(20 kΩ, 0.05 W, B characteristic)
BLE2 Series,
BLE Series*1,
BXII Series,
BLH Series*2
DSC Series,
TM Series EMR Series
Note that the appearance is different from that of the PAVR-20KZ included with the product.
When using the driver I/O signal cable included with the product, connect it using crimp terminals.
For details, refer to the PAVR2-20K operating manual.


Product Name Applicable Product
Speed Control Motors Torque Motors
Brushless Motors AC Speed Control Motors
External Speed Potentiometer and External Torque Potentiometer
(20 kΩ, 0.25 W, B characteristic)
BLE2 Series,
BXII Series,
BLE Series*,
BLH Series
BLV Series
DSC Series,
TM Series
  • *One pair of PAVR-20KZ is included with the product.

PAVR-20KZ External Speed Potentiometer/External Torque Potentiometer with Soldered Cable

A shielded cable is soldered to the PAVR-20KZ variable resistor, and protective insulation treatment is applied. This allows for immediate wiring work and also prevents connection errors and damage to the potentiometer.

Product Name Cable Length (m) Number of Cores Cable Specification
PAVR-20KZ External Speed Potentiometer/External Torque Potentiometer with Soldered Cable
External Speed Potentiometer/External Torque Potentiometer with Cable
PAVR-20KZ-05 0.5 3 With shielded ground wire
Sheath outer diameter φ4.5
Core wire AWG24
PAVR-20KZ-10 1
PAVR-20KZ-20 2

Applicable Product

Classification Series
Speed Control Motors Brushless Motors BLE2 Series,
BXII Series,
BLE Series*,
BLH Series
BLV Series
AC Speed Control Motors DSC Series,
Torque Motors TM Series
  • *One pair of PAVR-20KZ is included with the product.