Other Accessories: CR Circuit for Surge Suppression/External Resistor for Braking

CR Circuit for Surge Suppression

Use for contact protection of relays and switches used in bidirectional circuits and instantaneous stop circuits of AC motors.

Product Name Specifications
CR Circuit for Surge Suppression
EPCR1201-2 250 VAC (120 Ω, 0.1 μF)

A connection support module (CR circuit module) with 4 EPCR1201-2 CR circuits for surge suppression and easy connection via terminal block is also available.

External Resistors for Braking

Be sure to use this when performing instantaneous stop using a speed controller or when performing instantaneous stops of a motor with large output power using a brake pack.

Product Name Resistance Value
Rated Power
Speed Controller Brake Pack Applicable Motors Output Power
External Resistors for Braking
EPR10H10M 10 10 SS21 and SS22 Types
SS31 and SS32 Types
- All outputs during instantaneous stop
EPR30H20M 30 20 - SB32S-IN 60 W, 90 W*
EPR50H20M 50 20 - SB32-IN 90 W
EPR30H50M 30 50 - SB31-IN 60 W, 90 W
  • *This is necessary for fast-cycle operation (braking and stopping at least once every 5 seconds) even with 25 or 40 W output power.